Tuesday 21 October 2008

Students suck.

I hate it when new terms begin. For the first two weeks, all students flock into the lectures, disciplined and highly-motivated only to drop out one by one until only a hard core of regulars is left by mid-term. And at the exams, you meet people you literally haven't seen in half a year.
I don't even mind it so much in the lectures themselves, but I get stressed out with everything surrounding it. It takes you half an hour to get your half-arsed parody of a meal in the cafeteria because the first-terms did not inform themselves how to pay properly, or they never heard anything of etiquette and just stand still in the middle of an aisle, effectively blocking it. And that's not even mentioning the mile-long queues that make it look like you'd actually get something decent to eat (but it's the same old shit as always).
Then there are those bicycle-Hitlers who have nothing better to do than insist to shove their bike in an overloaded tube at half nine in the morning, when catching a breath of air is already a challenge.

So, I was sitting in this lecture entitled "basics of marketing" that the BA system forces me to endure when I noticed this loser who is most likely studying computer science -for now, I will call him Terrabyte, due to his rather enormous body size- incessantly turning his head to my direction. Obviously, he kept staring at the girl sitting next to me, who was actually quite pretty, but unbearable for the thick cloud of cheap perfume she had floating around her.
So Terrabyte kept turning round to her, though pretending to "just look around the room" after having his eyes feast on her for an extra second or five. I'm not going to go into detail of how obnoxiously ugly Terrabyte was, but I got a kick out of imagining the conversation ensuing had he actually had the courage to chat her up after the lesson (I love unrealistic scenarios). It probably would have gone something like this:

Terrabyte: "H-h-h-h-h-hi. A-a-a-a-are y-y-y-y-you i-i-i-i-in th-th-th-this c-c-c-course as w-w-w-ell?"
Chick: "You saw me. Go figure, freak."
Terrabyte: "I'm... n-n-n-n-n-not a f-f-f-freak. I'm a l-l-l-level four d-d-d-d-dragon w-w-w-wizard."
Chick leaves.

Later on, the lecturer later passed the word to a colleague of his, who was also a rather attractive woman. Needless to say, Terrabyte did not turn around anymore from this point on.
I did not have the misfortune of hearing his voice until yesterday, when the next lesson took place. The female lecturer I mentioned was holding this one by herself, and it was obvious that Terrabyte did his utmost to impress her, miserably failing on the way and making a complete arse of himself instead, trying to discuss a quick example she had used to illustrate a point. Instead of the ten seconds it took to name the example and go on, Terrabyte forced her to justify her choice of words for five minutes.

I'm aware of the irony of using an online blog to vent my anger over such pathetic losers as Terrabyte, but quite honestly, I don't care.