Wednesday 11 February 2009

Terrabyte again.

I found Terrabyte's website. I wish I hadn't.

I'm not going to be so cruel to provide a link to it (mostly because it also contains his real name), but upon reading it, I got this strangely rewarding yet infuriating feeling that you get when you realise that all your prejudices and stereotypical assumptions turn out to be true.

Here is an excerpt from his "About Me" section (his website is in German and English):

"My main interests are physics, chemistry, minerals and China. I have got also other interests: history, geography, philosophy, airplanes, weapons. Concerning China and East Asia I am interested in its history, in its culture, in its art and in its philosophy. I like Chinese buildings and objects. My favorite food is from East Asia. I like very much fried noodles with chicken meat. I collect minerals. My most favorite mineral is rock crystal with its nice symmetric crystals. I like to work and play video games on my PC and I do many daily tasks with my PC. Programming is interesting, too. I like to read books. Most of the books are specialized books, but as entertainment I also read novels (thriller). For example I like the book "The Lord of the Rings" and also the movie. Another entertainment for me is to play video games and to watch movies. My favorite video game is "Deus Ex" and my favorite movies are "The godfather" (all parts) and "Star Wars" (all parts). "

He doesn't study computer sciences, but I was absolutely fucking right about everything else. He has a lot of small, useless programs for download that he programmed himself. They are mostly physics and mathematics related. He also made a few Java Applets, but on those pages, his English is so terrible that I have no idea what they're supposed to be doing.