Wednesday 3 June 2009

Damn Commies.

Okay, so this does it.

The other day, I sat in a boring lecture trying not to fall asleep, when the professor said something like "blablabla, and therefore there are not only negroes in Ethiopia, blablabla".

I admit that I listened up for that instance, and that I would not have used that word. However, it was obvious that from the start, this prof, a semitologist mind you, did not use this word with discriminatory intent, but simply because he grew up with it and his mind slipped for a moment. I remember that some of my teachers, red to the bone, used that word too, without discriminatory intent or effect (since there were no blacks either in my school class, nor in this lecture).

BUT, one student, a white girl, interrupted the professor, saying: "Did you just say negro?"

The prof was perplexed and didn't even remember doing so. The girl stormed out, not before rudely asking another student to give her the attendance sheet at once. Several days later, the website of the student assembly, a lair of red f'ing communists -and I am not exaggarating to the slightest, even their logo has a red star on it- had a news item about "racist remarks in a lecture", however not even quoting it because "it would keep its discriminatory effect even when paraphrased". The page went on for three or four paragraphs of incredibly boring babble and really didn't say anything at all.

The week after that, I was in the same lecture again, only this time, a group of students from the assembly had gathered up front and said that this would not be an ordinary lecture but a necessary discussion about racism. It was obviously an attempt at a trial, and I had none of that. I packed my stuff, said good-bye to my friends and got out, slamming my door on the way, rather loudly as I was later told.

Somewhere along my way out, a bloke gave me a leaflet which had hammer and sickle on it. I asked him what that was about. He said: "We're Communists". I gave him the leaflet back and passed him. He laughed stupidly.

And, since it's apparently Commie weeks, a day later, there was a stand which said: "Save China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea from Capitalism". I read it out to a friend of mine and couldn't help laughing. One of those guys said: "Communism is better than this capitalist system." I replied with: "Really? This system allows you to say such bullshit."

I didn't catch his reply, and I didn't care. What the hell is wrong with people?

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