Tuesday 1 September 2009

Killing fruit flies ist Krieg.

Once again it happened. I'm busy and spend very little time at home, and even less in the kitchen. So I forgot that I had left a plate with tomato sauce in the sink. And perhaps there was an apple core in the trash can. Anyway, there is a massive population of fruit flies in my kitchen now.

This sort of thing happens. It sucks when it happens, but it's not the end of the world. It's happened to me three times since I live in my flat, and it never lasted longer than a week. That's because I am a merciless butcher when it comes to fruit flies. Seriously, my kitchen is a death camp for fruit flies, no matter how tasteless that sounds: It's true. I have no remorse on them.

There are of course simple and effective ways of dealing with them. The classic is having a bowl of water and vinegar along with some washing-up liquid, two or three drops, no more. To the flies, it's a weapon that would put Saddam to shame.

Nevertheless, it takes a while, and you have to renew it every two days, with the effect that my kitchen smells like vinegar. I hate the smell of vinegar, and I can't open my window at the moment. So I wanted to try something new out, something that does not smell as bad and perhaps gets even more at one go. Last time I had created a true WMD, but I had to clean the stove extensively afterward, and I don't feel like doing that again.

So I checked the internet, the wise and all-knowing encyclopaedia that gives us such great information all the time and never lets us down on some tips. For convenience, I looked it up in German. You know, German, the language spoken by Germans. The Germans, who started two world wars and did the Holocaust.

I stumbled on a page which had the same I tip I described above. I checked the comments at the bottom of the page, and one bloke wrote that he does not like that tip because it kills the fruit flies.

I had to re-read that again, and he actually wrote it. He had compassion with the flies.

The flies wouldn't even live without him. They don't need to live because your kitchen is not (supposed to be) an ecosystem. In fact, they are not even good for you. They can actually harm you. It is in your own interest to get rid of these damn beasts as soon as possible.

I wanted to write more, but my day at work is over. Anyway, what I mean to say is, some people go too far with this "I'm a good person" thing.

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