Friday 28 August 2009

Thursday Night. A tragedy in three acts.

So this is what happened last night.

Dramatis Personae
P: Me
PM1: A mate of P's (female)
PM2: Another mate of P's (male)
BT: Bar tender

Act 1, Scene 1
P is on his way home from work. The phone rings. P answers.

P: 'ello?
PM1: Hey, we're in the park enjoying the evening. Wanna join?
P: Yeah, I just gotta get home first to get rid of my stuff. I'll meet you in an hour.
PM1: Sure thing!

Act 1, Scene 2
P returns home, gets rid of his stuff and goes to the park. Here, he meets PM1 and PM2. PM1 is drunk, PM2 is tipsy.

PM1: Great you could make it, P! Want a prune?
P: Uh, sure.
PM2: We thought about heading to that pub now that it's getting dark.
P: OK, I just can't stay very long because I've got to go to work tomorrow.
PM2: No prob, we all have to get up early.
P: Alright then!
PM1: I'm so happy you could make it, P! Want a prune?
P: No thanks, I just had one.

Act 2
Two train stations later, PM1 and PM2 need to get some cash from the bank. PM2 heads for the cash machine, gets the cash and returns. PM1 heads for the cash machine and does not return. Meanwhile, a rugged Turkish man passes by with five children following him.

PM2: So many hungry mouths!

They start singing In the Ghetto by Elvis. Finally, PM1 returns and they go out.

PM1: Hey P, can you lend me five Euros? The machine ate my bank card, I have no idea why. Could be because I didn't remember my PIN though.
P: Sure thing.
PM1: Thanks! It's so great you could make it! (Hugs P)

Act 3, Scene 1
They enter the pub and sit down. After a while of consideration, PM1 and PM2 order a beer, P has a Scotch.

PM1: I'm so happy you could make it. (Kisses P)
P: Yeah, so am I.

They listen a while to the music playing, Death Magnetic.

PM2: Crap album.
P: Well, it's not that bad, only the songs are all twice as long as they should be.
PM1: And the production sucks!

They proceed to head bang nevertheless.

P: It gets pretty boring after a while though.
PM1: Yeah! They should put on something different. (Reading from P's t-shirt) Like Iced Earth! Or Exodus. I'm gonna ask if they have Exodus here.

She heads for the bar and returns. A few minutes later, BT comes to the table and talks to PM1.

BT: We don't have Exodus here unfortunately.
PM1: I want Exodus!
BT: Look, we don't have Exodus on the computer. You just come back to the bar when you think of something else, right? (Off)
PM1: I want Exodus!
PM2: They don't have Exodus.
PM1: What did BT want here anyway?
P: She told you they don't have Exodus and you should come up with something else she can play?
PM1: Huh?
PM2: They don't have Exodus.
PM1: I want Exodus!

PM1 gets up, heads for the bar and talks to BT for about five minutes. Then she returns.

PM1: Stupid bitch!
P: What's the matter?
PM1: I wanted Exodus, but they don't have Exodus. So I asked them for Pantera, which they didn't have either. And she didn't want to play Maiden. So I asked them for Slayer, and she said she's gonna put them on. Stupid bitch!!!
P: But Slayer isn't half bad...

Cue: Slayer, Reign in Blood (Album) P, PM1 and PM2 start to head bang.

PM2: Angel of Death is one of those songs where you should turn your brain off when you sing along to the lyrics.
PM1: It's so great you could make it! (Hugs P)
P: Yeah, Piece by Piece is a great cuddling song. Odd I never noticed that before.

This goes on for a while until the album is near-over.

: I gotta go home. I'm drunk. I'm so sorry I'm drunk.

They go.

Act 3, Scene 2
They head for the train station.

PM1: I'm drunk, I'm so sorry. It's so great you could make it, P! I'm so drunk. I'm so sorry about that. What's that, is that supposed to be a door? Oh, I'm so drunk. And I even lost my bank card. I'm so sorry. But it's so great you could make it, P!
P: Yeah, it's great that I could. Now you don't worry about being drunk and just take care of yourself, right? See you on Saturday.
PM1: Yeah, see you on Saturday, my sweetie.

(All off)

The next day at work, P gets a phone call from PM1.

P: 'ello?
PM1: Hey P, what bank were we at again yesterday?


Veritas said...

It's okay, buddy. She'll get drunk again, then you'll have your chance.

Want a prune?

Perun said...

Nah, we had that sorted out already. Plus, I'm not very interested in her.