Friday 23 October 2009

Youtube finds

I have a sort of love-hate relationship with Youtube. On the one hand, I hate it when people keep spamming me with Youtube links on instant messenger programs... in fact, thanks to this I hardly ever use them anymore. I also don't know if I like the fact that the first thing some people do when they come over to my place is that they occupy the computer and show some random Youtube clips, typically obscure, half-forgotten pop culture clips from the darker realms of the nineties.

On the other hand, there is indeed much great stuff to be found there. It is a great place to check out new music, old video clips and if you're lucky, you stumble into a time frame when good movies have been uploaded and not yet deleted again. I have spent many an hour on Youtube myself, and will probably continue to do so in the future. I don't know how often I'll do this, but right now, I feel like posting some clips here.

I love Immortal, and it looks like they are slowly emerging to one of my favourite bands. Their vision of a world without warmth and light fascinates me, and their brilliant musicianship always captivates me. Granted, their image is a bit awkward -although unique- and I guess we all know those incredibly lame "Black Metal Panda" jokes. Nevertheless, they do appear a bit dodgy on their video clips, and sometimes, I'm not sure if they're joking or serious about it. Anyway, the following clip... I don't know if I think it's great or if I think it's ridiculous. It seems like treading a fine line while drunk, but I'm not sure which side they fall on. Although I have to say I really like the last thirty seconds or so. Note that Immortal not only live in a world of cold and darkness, but apparently also one in which lightning bolts provide unlimited electricity, so their guitars don't even need to be plugged in.

Also, they seem to be rather fond of hiking in the woods. All that is missing is a picnic basket and Yogi Bear:

The above video is obviously tongue-in-cheek (stupid wizard hat...), but somebody managed to edit it down to a third of its length and take all the humour out of it.

That's all for now, I guess.

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